The Identity Matrix Lead Score for Pulse is designed to measure the following:
Page Intent
Time on Page
Page Views
And, we're adding additional components to lead scoring all the time.
Page Intent
The intent of a page is the cornerstone of a solid lead score. You're able to choose each of your pages, or group of pages, to be "low", "medium" or "high" intent.
First, head over to account settings in the top right of the navigation bar.
Click "Account Settings" and scroll to the bottom.
Categorizing Pages
When you're ready to categorize your pages, you will see the following:
Click "Add New Page URL" to get started.
You will see "Contains" and "Is" on the top bar. This is based on page path. For example, if you want to mark all blogs as low intent, you can enter /blog and set the intent to low. Then, press submit.
Best Practices
Here is what we recommend for best practices:
Set all blogs to be "low" intent
Set paid landing pages to be "high" intent
Set company and "about" pages to be "medium" intent
Set any pricing, services, or product pages to be "high" intent
Set your home page to be "medium" intent